Career Center Report Shows Computer Scientists Highly Sought, Best Compensated

The Engineering Career Resource Center (ECRC) has issued its Annual Report (PDF), which includes reported placement and salary survey data for College of Engineering Co-op students, Interns, Bachelor’s students, and Master’s students. The report shows that all three EECS undergrad majors – computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering – were highly sought by recruiters. Students from the department’s CS-LSA undergraduate program are included in the computer science statistics.
By most measures, computer science students in particular were the most sought by companies recruiting through the ECRC, as well as the best compensated. This continues the trend that we noted in a story a year ago, namely that computer scientists were at the top of the list.
Here are a few takeaways from the report:
Most sought: Undergraduate computer science majors were most requested by organizations recruiting through the ECRC, with 60% of employers seeking computer science students. 57% of employers sought computer engineering majors, and 53% sought electrical engineering majors.
Co-ops: CS students were most hired and received the highest average monthly salary ($5705).
Bachelor’s Internships: CS students were most hired and received the highest average monthly salary ($5101).
Master’s internships: CSE students were tied for the second highest number of students hired and received the highest average monthly salary ($6158).
Bachelor’s full-time hires: CS students were most hired and received the highest average annual starting salary ($81,500).
Master’s full-time hires: CSE students were third most hired and received the highest average annual starting salary ($97,057).